by Eagles4Life
As representatives of Christ who made all human life with inherent and eternal value, Concordia Irvine’s Eagles4Life seeks to be for life through education, service, and outreach.
To fulfill this mission statement, Eagles4Life collaborated with Abbey West, Concordia Irvine’s on-campus ministry department, to focus on the life issue of homelessness. Every Thursday evening, Abbey West regularly hosts SHOUT!, a student-led worship with testimonial-style devotions. On October 19, SHOUT! became SHOUT! for Life. Warmed with hot chocolate and filled with cookies, attending students served by knotting blankets and packing bags full of daily necessities, such as toothbrushes and wet wipes. These items were then packaged to send to the Orange County Rescue Mission and InKind Donations in Orange County, two organizations dedicated to helping the homeless. Additionally, Eagles4Life set up a table containing Y4Life pamphlets to educate about other life issues. After the bags and blankets were finished, students headed inside the chapel building to worship and listen to a devotion from Eagles4Life president Madison Zuniga.
Being a recently established club, Eagles4Life did not have many resources or people available to it. SHOUT! for Life was Eagles4Life’s first collaboration with a larger established organization on campus, and it was a great experience that allowed students with overlapping Gospel-oriented and Christ-centered vision to work together to aid the community.