This spring 2014 edition of LifeDate focuses on the theme Strong and Courageous – For Life!
From the Executive Director
Prepositions for Courage
Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D. and Dave Andrusko: Abortions Top 56 Million Since Roe v. Wade
Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb: Brave or Courageous?
Lori Trinche: A Journey Home
Family Living
Linda D. Bartlett: Men and Women, Worship and Life
Ryan C. MacPherson: The Courage to Build a Compassionate Home
World News
Spotlight on Lutherans For Life
2013 Memorials and Honorariums
Abundant Life Giving Society
Life Legacy Society
Laura Davis: Y4Life in Washington, D.C. – An Update
Hilary Murray: A Newfound Awareness
Jim Schroeder: A Thank Offering to the Lord
Lori Trinche: God at Work in Life Teams and Chapters
Portals of Prayer
Upcoming Retirement – Dr. James I. Lamb, Executive Director of Lutherans For Life, has announced his desire to retire from this position at the end of December 2015. A search committee has been formulated and will be accepting names for application to this position. Please call or send names or inquiries to the national office: Lutherans For Life, 1120 South G Avenue, Nevada, IA 50201-2774; info@lutheransforlife.org; 888.364.LIFE.
Thank You, Kay – Kay L. Meyer retired on December 31, 2013, from Lutherans For Life after working with us as a contracted, part-time, director of development since January of 2009. Kay wrote, “It has been a joy and privilege to work with so many LFL donors, volunteers, and the National Life Center Team during the last five years. I will continue to be a Gospel-motivated Voice for Life and pray the Lord will continue to bless Lutherans For Life.” All of us at Lutherans For Life thank Kay for her faithful and dedicated service!
No Offense Intended – In the last issue of LifeDate, an article appeared by a woman ordained as a pastor by the North American Lutheran Church (NALC), a synod that has arisen out of the recent divisions within the ELCA. Although an RSO of the LCMS, Lutherans For Life is an independent Lutheran ministry that desires to serve all Lutherans regardless of synodical affiliation and seeks to unite them in a common witness to the sanctity of all human life. There are many Lutheran bodies that do allow women to serve as pastors and although Lutherans For Life does not endorse the ordination of women, we do wish to be a resource to Lutheran churches that do. Following the divisions within the ELCA, many opportunities have arisen to do so. LFL apologizes for giving that offense to those who wrote to LFL and to those who were offended and did not write. We are hopeful that for the sake of uniting all Lutherans in a common witness to the sanctity of life, this explanation and apology will be accepted and we can all move forward with a renewed vigor to confront the great evils of our time, abortion, euthanasia, and other assaults on God’s gift of life.
From the President
A New President for LFL – Diane E. Schroeder: Seasons and Transitions – Lynette Auch: Whom Shall I Fear