June 4, 2024

LifeDate Summer 2024 – Made For Life

by Virginia J. Flo, Director of Volunteer Relations

“[F]or I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:11, 13).

It isn’t easy being content in all situations. Life is difficult. Things happen or better said, “Life happens.” After all, we are human, and we can get discouraged. When we focus on the negative side of things and start feeling sorry for ourselves, we fall into the trap of forgetting to turn to the Lord for help to give us strength. That’s when things can even become more difficult.

We are so fortunate that we are blessed with God’s love For Life. Our Heavenly Father created us, Jesus redeemed us, and the Holy Spirit works faith, through the waters of Baptism, calling us to an eternal relationship.

There are so many situations in life where we could fall prey to negativism and fall into a state of depression and self-pity. Perhaps each of you can think of situations that have happened to you or others. Without the knowledge of God’s love For Life, we are left in a state of hopelessness. We are so fortunate we have a God who loves us and is there for us in all circumstances of life.

I grew up in a household that welcomed foster children to live with us. Those stays ranged from just a few weeks to ten years. One thing I noticed was every child had a strong desire to go back to their previous situation, no matter how bad it was. Some of their lives were surrounded by alcoholism, drug addiction, and physical and emotional abuse in homes that were basically unsafe. Yet, even with all this danger, they longed for someone to take them back. As I got older, I concluded they took on guilt for their situation. After all, they were the ones removed from their homes, and their parents or other relatives stayed behind, so they must be the problem. Some were able to go back home in a short period of time, and others were never able to go back. During their stay in our home, my parents immediately involved them in our Christian lives. They participated in prayer, devotions, worship, Sunday school, and more. Something as simple as a table prayer was new to many of these children. It was my parents’ hope that while the children were in our home, sharing the love of Jesus would stay with them, giving them contentment in their lives.

Recently, I found myself in a new situation that caught me by surprise. I was out of town and went to a restaurant by myself for breakfast. While there, I overheard a conversation between a sister and brother in the booth next to me. It was quite early, so the restaurant was fairly empty, and the sound carried. The teenage girl revealed the subject of the conversation as she informed her brother. She had told her mother she isn’t happy being a girl and plans on transitioning to be a boy as soon as she turns eighteen. He wanted to know what their mother said. She replied, “She said she would be concerned.” The girl then added, “It would be the first time she would be concerned about me.” That was sad to hear. She then commented to her brother that their mother treated him differently than she treated her.

This young girl didn’t have a perfect body, like most teens desire, as and she looked a bit disheveled. Add to this she doesn’t have a positive relationship with her mother and thinks her brother, being a boy, is treated better and is perhaps more loved. It wasn’t difficult to conclude she surely isn’t content. How many other young people are facing similar situations and think transitioning to a different sex will solve their issues? Transitioning surgery will not solve the physical and emotional issues this girl is facing.

The final discussion between these two siblings was around to whom, when, and how she should announce her plans. She shared her concern for how her friends might react and questioned whether they would still want to even be her friends. At that point they both picked up their belongings and left.

I wasn’t sure what to do, so I immediately prayed. I haven’t been able to get this off my mind. Please pray with me as there are many other young people facing similar situations as they are confused by worldly influences about their gender God created. Pray for their parents, family, and friends who need help and hope dealing with these situations. Pray these conflicted people struggling with gender identity will find the Lord and share their struggles with Him so He will give them strength and they will be content.

Dear Lord, please send Christian witnesses to share Your love to those people who are discontent. Soften their hearts and give strength to those not content who come to You, so they may love their lives. Amen.