The latest discovery of the pluripotent amniotic stem cells (cells that may turn-into various specialized types of cells or tissues, such as bone marrow, liver or skin) removed from the amniotic fluid surrounding the developing human being in the mother’s womb have created a great deal of excitement amongst the pro-life community. Before anyone jumps onto the bandwagon of hype and hope, know the promises and perils of this new discovery, based on the original paper.
Perils: At the first glance of published media reports in newspapers, magazines, and the Internet, pro-lifers were overjoyed—exhibiting the same hype used to promote embryonic stem cell research and the so-called cures that it will bring.
There are several areas that we need to focus on before we jump onto the “Eureka Band Wagon” of a technology that some believe, ultimately, will move embryonic stem cell research into the archives of scientific heresies. The following perils and concerns are presented for ongoing discussion and debate:
The technology of genetic amniocentesis (and the use of chorionic villus sampling—CVS) has risks to the baby and mother.
These technologies promote the choice to parents to either abort the severely disabled child or keep him or her if the test of the cells in the fluid show positive for a life threatening genetic disorder.
These technologies, along with the possibility that extracted amniotic and chorionic stem cells, and the possibility of their use in treating genetic disorders propagate the exploitation of women and cause some women to volunteer for this test when it is medically unnecessary must be considered in our discussions.
These technologies could lead to additional collection procedures of amniotic fluid as part of the elective abortion method.
Promises: The research results were scientifically profound. The researchers not only isolated fat, bone, muscle, skin, nerve, and liver cells from extracted amniotic cells, but also reported that these cells produced specialized functions. For example, isolated bone marrow cells from amniotic stem cells showed the ability to produce functional bone marrow osteoblasts (bone marrow forming cells) and liver cells isolated from amniotic stem cells expressed proteins such as albumin and urea (a characteristic liver-specific function). In addition, amniotic stem cells produced characteristics of cardiac muscle and insulin production.
They hope that future banking techniques can be developed for the isolation and therapeutic use of amniotic stem cells. By saving them stored in liquid nitrogen, they could be used in the treatment of more than 3000 genetic disorders and spinal cord injuries.
Discussion: As a Lutheran pastor and professor, as well as a former medical research scientist, I am overwhelmed by the results of this research—a wonderful counter to those who remain staunch in their support that embryonic stem cells remain the penultimate approach to treat and cure the many medical diseases that remain untreatable as well as medical enigmas.
Christians need to stay tuned to the facts and their implications for the care of the mother and the unborn child. The results of Roe v. Wade remain pivotal to this issue and how Satan will use the technologies of genetic amniocentesis to tempt men and women to have an abortion and donate the amniotic fluid removed from an elective abortion. The unborn is our neighbor to support and care for! Any test performed during the developing of the unborn child must be for caring and not for killing!
The Explanation of the First Article of the Apostles’ Creed tells us this:
“I believe that God has made me and all creatures; that He has given me [emphasis mine] my body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my members, my reason and all my senses, and still takes care of them; … “
This occurs at conception/fertilization. The recovery of amniotic fluid stem cells shows tremendous possibilities. Christians need to be well informed on this new source for stem cells so that we do not get caught in the hype that this is the answer to treating genetic diseases and traumatic injuries. Pray that the Spirit of God continues to gives us the wisdom of God to stand up for the God who creates and sustains all life in Christ.
Rev. Dr. Robert Weise is Professor of Practical Theology and occupies the Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis Chair of Pastoral Ministry and the Life Sciences, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri.