November 1, 2021

Directions – November-December 2021

Amid all the struggles and sorrows of life in this world, God chose you to be with Him forever in salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life. Life with our Lord Jesus Christ is real life. Life in Baptism. Life in Word. Life in Sacrament. Life in sacrifice. Life in service. Life in loving one another. Come and enjoy the eternal life set aside for you in Christ Jesus the Lord.

What does it mean to be “in Christ”? (Romans 8:1-11) What are you freed from that hinders? What gifts or blessings have you received?

Read Galatians 2:15-20. To be “crucified with Christ” has benefits for life. Compare the past and what God has chosen for you in Christ.

Being baptized into Christ means we are both dead and alive. According to Romans 6:1-14, to what do we die? In what ways do we live? How does this shape the way we live for others?

Psalm 119:25-32 speaks of God’s Word giving life. How does this Word give life? Where does this word give life? Who is the Word that gives life? (John 1:1-18; 1 John 1:1-10; John 5:19-28; John 6:63)

In John 6:32-69, people sought Jesus because He fed them. What does Jesus feed you? How does this food give you life? Where do you receive this food now? What benefits do you receive as you eat of this food? (1 Corinthians 11:17-34)

In Revelation 2:8-11, John speaks the Spirit’s words of life amidst suffering. What is promised about life in this world? What promises are given to those who are “faithful unto death”? What does 1 Peter 5:1-11 add to the understanding of suffering unto death?

According to Romans 12, those who live with mercy and grace from God in Christ are called to a life of service for others. What gifts do you have that can be used in service as you look to eternal life in Christ? How can you use the gifts you have been given to serve others? (See also Galatians 5:13-26; Ephesians 5:15-21.)

Read John 15:1-17. How do you keep the commandment to “love one another”? In what ways can you hear this word and put it into practice?

What promises are in store for you who are in Christ Jesus, according to Titus 3:1-11? How does this bring you joy in service to others?