March 4, 2011

(The Patriot Post, 3/4/11)

Cowardice? Political correctness? Or just flat out censorship? No doubt all three played a role in the recent removal of a pro-life billboard in Manhattan. The billboard depicted a young black girl along with the caption, “The most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb.”

“The message of this billboard is totally accurate,” says Alveda King, a Christian minister, pro-life activist and the niece of Martin Luther King Jr. “It should provoke outrage in the African-American community — not because it is racist, but because of the truth it reveals; the truth that is being kept from the African-American community.” King is right: According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), of the 87,527 abortions performed in 2007 in New York City, 43,568 — or 49.8 percent — of the victims were black. Blacks make up just 25 percent of New York City’s population.

Yet, far from decrying the plight of these babies, one black New York City council member called the billboard “highly offensive” because it was unveiled during Black History Month. As always, the “Reverend” Al Sharpton joined the “offended,” even planning a protest at the billboard’s site. Planned Parenthood called the billboard an “offensive and condescending effort to stigmatize and shame African-American woman.” Of course, this response by the nation’s largest abortion mill — and its decades’ long cover-up of the truth of the billboard — comes as no surprise. After all, Planned Parenthood founder and eugenicist Margaret Sanger herself wanted blacks and other “inferior” humans aborted. That’s another truth being swept under the rug.