Since its inception, Lutherans For Life has been intentionally pan-Lutheran. This means that we consist of individuals from different Lutheran denominations. We serve several Lutheran church bodies, including The American Association of Lutheran Churches, the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations, the Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America, Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ, the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, and the North American Lutheran Church. (We also enjoy a positive relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, but they are primarily served by their own life ministry, Christian Life Resources.) We count it a God-given honor, privilege, and joy to connect across these communions. In fact, here are ten of the many blessings we celebrate as a pan-Lutheran organization:
Our pan-Lutheran nature honors Lutherans For Life’s legacy. God brought together Jack Eichhorst (American Lutheran Church), Jean Garton (LCMS), Leigh Jordahl (Lutheran Church in America), and Eugene Linse (LCMS) for our founding.
Our pan-Lutheran character involves more life-minded folks than just one branch. In this way, the Gospel reaches more communities and touches more hearts.
Our pan-Lutheran structure enhances the effectiveness of our mission and message. We form an intersection of complementary contexts and cultures through which our Lord magnifies the ministry’s influence and amplifies its impact.
Our pan-Lutheran focus demonstrates the primary importance of life matters. Whatever our other doctrinal distinctives, all among us insist indisputably that God’s universal grace declares every human being worthy of respect and protection.
Our pan-Lutheran approach sidesteps the temptation to compete with each other. Rather than unnecessarily expending energy in petty territorial rivalries, we get to invest the resources our Father supplies in efficient and effective activities together.
Our pan-Lutheran outlook obeys the Savior’s command and desire that disciples be united. We rejoice to receive—wherever and whenever we can, even if only incompletely—the gifts He connects to His promises in John 17:11, Acts 4:32, and 1 Corinthians 1:10.
Our pan-Lutheran identity clings to a singular witness that transcends arguing and disagreement. Out of different convictions, customs, and conduct comes a unanimous confession of all persons’ preciousness according to scriptural truth.
Our pan-Lutheran quality can foster and facilitate ongoing conversation between us. It provides a broad common ground upon which we may share and compare our unresolved perspectives and priorities.
Our pan-Lutheran background indicates our eagerness to value everyone. The Almighty Maker extends lifelong sanctity even to those who do not entirely affirm our beliefs—and so will we.
Our pan-Lutheran balance offers illustration and embodiment of the hope we proclaim. Already Jesus Christ is breaking down barriers of hostility in our midst (Ephesians 2:14), and we who once were enemies (Romans 5:10) are becoming one flock and family for everlasting life!