Heavenly Father, in whose hand is life and new life; give Your people the wisdom to see the value Your hands give to life and the love to reflect that value in our living, through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Pastor: Heavenly Father, we come to You because we are the work of Your hands and You have asked us to make our requests known to You. Therefore, we confidently say,
People: Lord, hear our prayer.
Pastor: Thank You for shaping and forming us and giving us life.
People: Thank You for Your creating hands.
Pastor: Thank You for loving us in our sinful condition and sending Jesus to be our Savior and giving us new life.
People: Thank You for Your redeeming hands.
Pastor: Thank You for calling us in Christ to be Your children and assuring us of Your presence.
People: Thank You for holding us in Your hands.
Pastor: Father, remind us constantly through Your Word that whether we weep or rejoice, succeed or fail, experience good or evil, we belong to You.
People: You hold us in Your hands.
Pastor: As we recall our baptisms and receive Your body and blood, renew our faith and assure us of Your faithfulness, Your goodness, and Your forgiveness.
People: You hold us in Your hands.
Pastor: Secure in Your hands, use us as Your hands. Use us to share Your love with those not yet born, with those facing difficult situations, with those facing death, and with those who have made mistakes.
People: Use us as Your hands.
Pastor: Secure in Your hands, spur our love into action that we might joyfully defend the work of Your hands, provide for those in need, uplift the sorrowing, and demonstrate the acceptance and hope that forgiveness brings.
People: Use us as Your hands.
Pastor: Secure in Your hands, use us as instruments to renew in Your Church the value of life as the work of Your hands, and then use the influence of Your people to bring an end to those things that attack Your gift of life in our society.
People: Hold us in Your hands and use us as Your hands.
Pastor: (Special petitions may be added here.) Into Your hands, we commend all for whom we pray.
People: Amen.