August 21, 2023

LifeDate Fall 2023 – How to Use Your Gospel-Motivated Voice For Life

by Elizabeth Crawford

Faith Lutheran School, Plano, Texas, started its Y4Life Team in November 2022, and we have been working very hard behind the scenes to promote life!

Our first official activity as a team was participating in our school’s Treat ‘N’ Feast fall festival. At our small booth, we gave away Life Savers® candy and bracelets to everyone who stopped by. There was a lot of interest from youth and adults alike, which was very exciting!

Our team also supported our school’s Life Week in April through a “Baby Bottle Drive” for a local pregnancy resource clinic. We used the baby models that Y4Life gifted us and explained the different stages of life to students. All of the children, especially the younger ones, were fascinated by the baby models and asked many questions about how babies were born and how babies could fit in their mother’s womb. Life Week was an intimidating but exciting experience, and seeing how excited the staff and students were about the presentations was very encouraging.

In the spring, as part of an after-school event that featured social time and snacks, we showed the life-affirming movie The Drop Box and had a brief discussion about the movie after viewing.

At the end of the school year, we partnered with Human Coalition, a local pro-life organization, and began a collection box for clothes and diapers. We were able to use some of the money from two grants to purchase strollers, baby carriers, and other needed supplies to donate to the mothers served by Human Coalition.

We are looking forward to the next school year and have even more activities planned. We continue to pray for the unborn, the differently abled, the older members of our community, and others. We are honored and determined to be a Gospel-focused voice For Life, and we are excited to see where the next year takes us!