August 21, 2023

LifeDate Fall 2023 – How to Use Your Gospel-Motivated Voice For Life

by Virginia Flo, Director of Volunteer Relations

I did something this year that is a bit unusual, and it has led to some very interesting things. I received an email from Timothy, who wanted to submit an entry in our Lutherans For Life essay contest. Writing is a challenge for him, so he used “talk to text” to write his essay while his mother asked questions. It turns out that Timothy, a sixth grader from southern Minnesota, has Down syndrome. I was so moved by Timothy’s essay that I gave him an award that I have used a few times over the years called the “Spotlight Award.” It is given to a student who did not win anything in our contest but who wrote an essay from a unique perspective. Then along comes Timothy. What stood out was his statement that he has “autism, Down syndrome, and Baptism.” Here is his essay:

My name is Timothy. My name means “valued by God.” I live in Minnesota. I live with my mom, dad, and sisters—Abby and Hannah. I am in sixth grade. I like classes at school like P.E., band, choir, social studies, and Mrs. Momberg’s class. I play trombone and piano. I like to listen to Christian music in my bedroom. I like to play games with my family. I have autism, Down syndrome, and Baptism. Baptism means I’m God’s child. I love everyone. I like riding my bike. I want to travel to Waupaca so I can kayak. I like to sing to God and I lead my family in praise songs during family devotions. I love God. I was in a video with my friends. [YouTube: World Down Syndrome Day Video for Kids] Lots of schools saw it. It was about World Down Syndrome day explained for kids.

God loves everybody. God loves people that are big and small. God loves people that are every age. God loves people no matter where we live. All people are special to God. The Bible says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand” (Ephesians 2:10). God has good things for each of us.

We had a terrible legislative session in Minnesota when it comes to life issues, but there are good things happening, too—we just need to find them!