March 27, 2018


Allowing Abortion For Down Syndrome Babies Puts All The Vulnerable At Risk by Bre Payton – “If we accept the practice of aborting children with a chromosomal abnormality, what’s to stop us from aborting ones who possess 22 pairs of X chromosomes?”

Abortion Activists “Trust Women” to Kill a Baby Before Birth. Why Not After? by Rachel Crawford 

Abortion and the Church

Calling Evil “Good” by Linda Bartlett

SHOCK: Dozens of “Christian” faith leaders sign letter supporting “right to…abortion” by Fr. Mark Hodges


Where did Nazi doctors learn their ethics? From a textbook by Michael Cook – “They had plenty of ethics. It was just the wrong kind.”


Assisted-Suicide Existential, Same as Suicide-Suicide by Wesley J. Smith

Miscarriage and Stillbirth

Acknowledging Pregnancy Loss by Brad Mattes

Also see: Into His Loving Care by Linda Bartlett


At the Supreme Court, California Put Its Abortion Extremism on Display by David French

Supreme Court Largely Ignores Question Of Free Speech In Pregnancy Centers Case by Thomas Ascik – “The major question discussed was what California could require of medical facilities under the state’s authority to regulate the practice of medicine.”

3 Key Takeaways From SCOTUS Arguments Over Forcing Pregnancy Centers To Advertise Abortions by Nicole Russell – “Based on oral arguments, even the liberal justices didn’t like a law that discriminates against pro-life pregnancy clinics.”

Compelled to Advocate Death by Judie Brown

Worldview and Culture

Iron Curtain Called – One Day in a Life Made All the Difference by James M. Kushiner

The Mentally Crippling Effects of the PC Crusade by Thomas Gallatin – “A college drops its ‘Knight’ mascot and ‘Crusader’ moniker, while standing for science offends elsewhere.”

The Church’s infatuation with Youth – We Need the Gray Heads by Eric Metaxas & Stan Guthrie – “We all know America is obsessed with youth. But what about the church, and what do we do about it?”

Video: Watch Tim Tebow Surprise Teen Florida Fan With Down Syndrome by Madeline Osburn – “‘Meet Michael … He’s one of the amazing friends I’ve had the opportunity to meet through #nighttoshine,’ Tebow posted for World Down Syndrome Day.”

What Will Happen to Me If I Don’t Attend Church? by Rev. James Albrecht – This article was also featured in the spring 2017 edition of LifeDate. The author is pastor of St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Okabena, Minnesota. The article originally appeared in “The Lutheran Spokesman,” July 2015. Used by permission. This article was on my mind as I was able to visit this church yesterday while in Okabena for a JO volleyball tournament.