About the National Day of Remembrance, September 14
Judge’s Ruling Makes North Dakota First to Ban Abortions Based on Down Syndrome by Steven Ertelt
Seven Moms Who Rejected Abortion, Chose Life in Risky Birth Situations by Steven Ertelt
Iowa Democrats Pray to God so they Can Keep Killing Pre-Born Babies by Gary DeMar
Abortion: The Evolution Connection by Jake Hebert, Ph.D., and Michael Stamp
Concordia Theological Seminary professor writes booklet on end-of-life issues by Kevin Kilbane – “He hopes it gives them a faith framework for considering difficult decisions.”
Family Living
Top 10 Mind-Blowing Images Of Human Life In The Womb by Steven Ertelt
Worldview and Culture
Russell Moore: End of Cultural Christianity in America Is Opportunity for Church to Recover the Cross by Napp Nazworth