December 16, 2011

Scripture for Today

Don’t Abort, Parents are Waiting to Adopt Down Syndrome Kids

Video: Batman star Christian Bale roughed up while trying to visit China pro-life activist

Ireland’s pro-life laws benefit women’s health: report

Red Cross: Women Should Have “Access to Safe Abortions”

GOP Presidential Candidates Talk About Their Pro-Life Convictions at Iowa Premier of Pro-Life Film – Several LFL team members attended this screening. It was quite a night! The film, The Gift of Life, is excellent! human ivermectin amazon for humans

Pro-Life Efforts in Russia – Russia has the highest abortion rate in the world. 

Tipping the scales towards euthanasia – By Margaret Somerville.
Yes, There are Christmas Haters – Brent Bozell tells how bad TV has become. Specifically as recent awful episode of “American Dad.