LFL friend, Vic Both, recently sent in a new poem that I want to share with you. In his note, Vic said, “While setting up a display – a plain bird, a flower, and a butterfly plague – I realized that without some words it had no biblical context.” Here is the poem:
Matthew 10:29
Small and plain, without a song to sing;
Numerous in number, an uncounted common thing
Made famous in a sermon that our Lord Jesus spoke:
That God’s eye is on the His sparrow and on His common folk
By the way, Lutherans For Life has produced a limited edition book of The Poetry and Prose of Vic Both. Vic was instrumental in the production of LFL’s Teaching for Life curricula. All proceeds from the sale of this book will go toward expanding the outreach of Teaching For Life.
If you would like to order a copy of The Poetry and Prose of Vic Both, please call LFL at 888.364.LIFE. The cost is $10 per book plus shipping and handling. Please note this book is not available through Concordia Publishing House.
Vic says, “I write from my heart hoping to touch yours so that together we can celebrate both Life and its Creator.”