
In this video you will hear and learn how you can be involved in continuing to share the message of the value of every human life.

DR. RONI GRAD, KEYNOTE SPEAKER: “I was born in Detroit, MI, received my BA and MD at Boston University, practiced pediatric pulmonology mostly in academic settings and retired in 2016. I am a member of Catalina Lutheran Church in Tucson, where I wear many hats including Chair of our congregation’s Life Team. I serve as Board member and secretary on the Lutherans For Life Board of Directors, and as Life Coordinator for the English District, Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. I just completed the course of training in the Arizona South Circuit Lutheran Servanthood School.”

DR. GRAD gives TWO PRESENTATIONS during this Life Summit:

INTRICATELY WOVEN – We will review the human development in the womb, touch on a few things that can occasionally go wrong in this vale of tears, and consider some Scripture along the way.

ORGAN DONATION AND DETERMINATION OF DEATH – through the lens of Scripture, our Lutheran Confessions, liturgy and hymnody, we will examine the ethical issues surrounding common (and generally unquestioned) practices related to the donation of organs at the end of one’s earthly life. We will discuss the recent Lutherans For Life position statement, Determination of Death (with Special Reference to Organ Donation), and the implications for end-of-life planning.

Recorded at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Fowler, Michigan.