August 13, 2013


Iowa Board of Medicine to write rules governing web-cam abortions Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D.

Pro-Lifers Rally Outside ABC News to Demand Fair Coverage of Abortion by Tyler O’Neil

How it’s done by Bradley Mattes – “Let’s be honest. To truly be successful advocates for life, we can’t just spend our time “preaching to the choir.” We must step outside our comfort zone to reach those who are on the other side. This is no easy task when you’re faced with individuals who hurl obscenities, act combative or are willfully defiant. But if we’re to change hearts and minds, we must first try to understand the motives of those who are for abortion …”

Gloria Steinem to receive Presidential Medal of Freedom by Dave Andrusko

Adoption and Orphan Care

Obama/Putin Clash Over Snowden Worsens Odds That 300 Orphans Will Be Adopted by Napp Nazworth


Human Trials With Ethical Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Start Soon by Wesley J. Smith

Family Living

It’s a boy! … Maybe by Janie B. Cheaney

Video of “The Right Choice” Goes Viral, a story of love and devotion by Dave Andrusko – “Rarely will you find a video that will grab your heart—and hold on more firmly—than The Right Choice. It is Christian’s story—the son of Lacey and Chris Buchanan—a tender but not sugarcoated recollection of how the couple moved from joy at discovering Lacey was pregnant, to frantic worry that ‘something was wrong’ with their unborn son, to a safe birth in 2011 after which they discovered Christian was blind …”

Worldview and Culture

Jeremiah 29:11 Is Not About “You”; Frequently-Quoted Bible Verse Often Misinterpreted by Nicola Menzie – An interesting article about an often used Bible verse. What does your pastor have to say about this?

Millennials and Mainlines – When “Relevant” Christianity Is Irrelevant by John Stonestreet – “If we want Christianity to stay relevant with young people, they say, we’ve got to rewrite the way we do church, including our songs. Let’s think about that.” 

Staring Down the Well – Jesus and the Zealotry of Reza Aslan by Eric Metaxas – “The latest book claiming to reconstruct ‘the historical Jesus’ isn’t worth your time. Knowing why it isn’t, however, is.”

Quotable Quote

Christopher Tollefsen, writing at The Public Discourse, observed:

“The pro-life movement is at an advantage over its pro-choice opposition in the struggle over the value of unborn human life for two simple reasons: truth and love.

“Truth, because the pro-life movement is founded on a set of scientific facts about unborn human beings. The zygote, the embryo, the fetus: all are members of the species homo sapiens, individual human beings just as much as any reader, or the author, of this article. On this truth, developmental biology has converged with remarkable unanimity, and efforts to obscure this by referring to unborn human beings as “clumps of cells,” and “tissue,” or as merely “embryos” and “fetuses,” are bound to fail.

“Love, because the pro-life movement is founded on an ethical claim: that all human beings are deserving of the same fundamental form of respect. All deserve to be treated as equal in their humanity and dignity. Love and respect for all human beings are, like the truths of biology previously mentioned, lessons learned over a long time, and honored all too often in the breach rather than the observance. Yet these are moral truths that the pro-life movement strives to bring to the minds and hearts of all who consider the worth of unborn human life.”
