Directions – January-February 2024
The Flint Hills Life Chapter in Manhattan, Kansas, shared their PRC gift bag project with us, so we share this great idea with all of you!
Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs) are often the first contact a woman has when she believes she may be pregnant. Modeling the love of Christ and clearly presenting the Gospel to this woman, and those who may be with her, is the life-affirming ministry of many of our faith-based PRCs. Your church’s Life Team, Life Chapter, or Life Advocate can assist your church in providing valuable resources that enable your local PRC to reach out to those in need. Remember, it is always a good idea to check with your pastor before initiating any new project.
Planning Your Project: Choosing a PRC
Choosing a Pregnancy Resource Center to support is an important first step. Partner with a group who is Gospel-motivated and life-affirming. Many of our faith-based resource centers share the Gospel with their clients on their first visit. Others also offer continuing Bible classes and other support services. Talk with the PRC director and ask if a gift bag program would be helpful in their ministry.
Determining Project Costs and Frequency:
- Determine how many bags are needed by your PRC and when they are needed. Allow them to set the schedule that best suits their needs.
- Scan the list of suggested gifts below or ask your PRC to recommend items they know the moms appreciate. Finalize your list and determine the approximate cost of each bag.
- Determine the source of funding. Church general budget? Specific fundraiser? Designated donations?
- Does the PRC want some of the bags to include Spanish-language resources? How many? Lutherans For Life is a great source for life-affirming English- and Spanish-language devotional materials.
Suggested Contents:
- Small Bible (ESV or NIV)
- Bookmark with a meaningful Bible verse
- Devotional booklet or card set
- Christian themed magnet
- Chocolate (What woman doesn’t love chocolate!?)
- Herbal tea bags and a mug with a Scripture verse
- Lip balm
- Nail polish (or a nail kit with polish and an emery board)
- A pair of cuddly socks
- $15 gift card
- Zippered pouch
- A hand-written note from church/team/chapter members containing uplifting Scripture verses and words of encouragement. We suggest the Life Team or Life Chapter Leader/Life Advocate review these notes to ensure they are Gospel motivated and supportive.
- Place your gift items in a gift bag or tote with a handle.
Who Should Receive the Gift Bags?
The PRC will ultimately determine who gets the bags, but those who work with PRCs recommend they be given to women who are receiving counseling and support at the center. These women often need a great deal of spiritual, emotional, and material support. Our prayer is that your gift bags will help meet these needs and will especially communicate the love of Jesus to them—His love that flows through us to bring them His hope and peace.