March 14, 2023

by Sandra Brese Rice

“But … do you have any resources that support families AFTER the child is born?” The answer is, “Yes!”

Knowing full well we are Blessed For Life, Lutherans For Life has been busy adding to our resource library, especially in the area of family support. Over the last year and a half, two series have begun, several website resources have been created, and two communication tools have been completed.

The Prayers for Life series currently consists of three pocket-size prayer books. Each book includes prayers and Bible verses for very specific audiences.

  • Prayers While I Wait – to get pregnant, adopt, and finally hold my child (LFL307B) is a booklet for potential parents, parents, and guardians. It focuses on the rollercoaster of emotions one may have as they wait to finally hold a new child. The Bible verses also support the emotions one may be feeling.
  • Today I’m Feeling … (LFL306B) is a booklet for anyone who is involved in the life of a child. It covers several situations such as being worried, exhausted, joyful, and blessed.
  • Prayers for Kids (LFL308B) consists of prayers for young children that are either rhythmic or rhyming. It is a teaching tool to help children begin their journey of faith. Prayers can either be read or memorized.

Coming up in 2023: A prayer book for grandparents!

The Thumbprint of God series currently consists of three pamphlets and several website resources that support disability ministry and families with disabilities.

  • Disability Awareness – A Bible Study for Church and Community Leaders (LFL151T) is a brochure intended to support leaders introducing or reaffirming disability ministry in their church or community.
  • Congregational Support for People with Disabilities (LFL145T) is a brochure of questions to help guide churches and leaders in supporting families with disabilities at worship, at Sunday school, at church events, and with spiritual gifts.
  • Supporting Families NEW to Disabilities (LFL148T) is a brochure of what to say, what not to say, and how to help families throughout a pregnancy and first year of disabilities. This brochure hopes to help create awareness and conversations between families with disabilities and those who support them.
  • Website: Activity sheets for the Thumbprint of God devotion (, children’s book lists that support disability awareness, PowerPoint and training workshop on communicating and understanding disabilities (

We have also added a Communicating with Young Children series.

  • The Communicating with Young Children Placemat (LFL150T) is a visual resource that supports families with young children. It includes icons for emotions and needs, such as bathroom, let’s hug, angry, yes, and no. It also includes prayers on the back that coincide with the emotions.
  • The Communicating with Young Children Bookmark (LFL149BM) is a pocket-size visual that supports families who are not necessarily at home. It is intended for immediate use during emotional situations.

Feel free to send ideas my way!