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Series: LFL National Conference
Keywords: end of life Speakers: Sheila Page


Over 200 Lutherans gathered October 21-22 at St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in Bloomington, Minnesota, from across the United States, Canada, and Latvia, for the 2016 Lutherans For Life National Conference. The theme: Here We Stand.

Dr. Sheila Page on “Legislation & Medical Perspectives on End of Life – How We Can Make a Difference” – The most powerful weapons that can be used against the defense for life are complacency and careless deference to self-proclaimed experts. As responsible citizens, we need to carefully examine proposed legislation to determine its impact on our lives. Misleading promotion of dangerous legislation can split pro-life groups and pit them against each other, weakening otherwise unified voices for life. This presentation will cover some important concepts to remember when discussing end-of-life issues.