Word of Hope … after an abortion

For those who have had an abortion, there is a need for a Word of Hope.

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We all have grieved the loss of someone at some point in our lives. Nothing could be more painful than the death of a child. But those who have lost a child because they had an abortion, or were part of an abortion decision, often do not allow themselves to grieve or don’t know how to grieve.

If you are experiencing adverse emotional reactions following an abortion, you may have post-abortion syndrome (PAS) described as the inability to:

  1. process the fear, anger, sadness and guilt surrounding your abortion experience, 
  2. grieve the loss of your baby, and
  3. come to peace with God, yourself and others involved in the abortion decision.

How does PAS develop?
A woman faced with a crisis pregnancy experiences a tremendous amount of fear and anxiety about her situation, and she seeks a fast solution to her dilemma. Since abortion is legally and socially sanctioned, it is the choice she is likely to make, even though she may be violating her own moral code.

Immediately after the procedure, she will usually feel great relief that the crisis is over. But any moral struggle she felt prior to the abortion will resurface eventually.

Since she cannot go back and “undo” the abortion, the following symptoms may occur, sometimes delayed for many years:

  • preoccupation with becoming pregnant again,
  • depression/crying,
  • difficulty concentrating,
  • guilt,
  • intense grief/sadness,
  • anger,
  • emotional numbness,
  • sexual problems,
  • lowered self-esteem,
  • nightmares,
  • anorexia or other eating disorders,
  • or drug/alcohol abuse.

dreamstime_96502It’s so painful. It’s an experience that goes beyond our physical and emotional being. It penetrates deep into the heart of our spiritual life. The pain just doesn’t go away!

How does one grieve the death of an unborn child when the decision to abort seemed to be so right at the time? After all it is legal, it must be alright.

Why would someone be unable to stop thinking about the abortion?

Why the feeling of emptiness?

Who can free me from this hurt and pain?

Give your pain to God. It is okay to tell God how hurt you are. Be assured there is healing in forgiveness.

Being forgiven by God does not mean He wipes out our emotions and memories. It does mean we now have a way to resolve our problems—God’s way. If you draw on God’s power for your life, your anger and bitterness will eventually be replaced with love and peace.

There is a special ministry that can help you overcome the pain. Word of Hope will put you in touch with a Christian caregiver who will help you find healing and reconciliation with the Lord.

To take that first step toward recovery, call Word of Hope to arrange for a confidential referral.

Call 888.217.8679 or email info@word-of-hope.org.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

“I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” (Isaiah 43:25)

“I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” (Ephesians 3:17b-18)

Word of Hope, the post-abortion healing ministry of Lutherans For Life.

Chrissie Gillet, PsyD
Word of Hope Director