
On September 16, 2023, Lutherans For Life hosted an “Issues as We Age” workshop at Bethany Lutheran Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

We are all aging, but if you feel you have more years behind you than ahead of you, this workshop is for you.

“Issues as We Age” provides information on coping with the spiritual, physical, medical, legal, and ethical aspects of the latter years of life.

Rev. Andrew Noble, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Marion, Iowa, and Rev. Michael Salemink, Executive Director of Lutherans For Life, are the featured speakers.

We are all united in facing the same issues in our twilight years.

Pastor Salemink’s Workshop: Going Gracefully: Beholding the Gospel in Life’s Twilight

The joy of the Christian Gospel enables us to welcome God’s blessings even as life is ending. Hear and learn how advance directives, family conversations, and funeral preparations can courageously and compassionately affirm the sanctity of life even in situations of pain, impairment, and advancing age. We’ll also consider the benefits and drawbacks of hospice care and organ donation as opportunities for confessing the faith. And we’ll explore suggestions for upholding life in our congregations and communities.

Issues as We Age Workshop Schedule