December 3, 2015


Northern Ireland court rules abortion should be legal in some cases by Antony Bushfield

A withering dissent demonstrates why an admitting-privilege requirement is sound law by Dave Andrusko

Former abortionist: “Abortion is big business” by Sarah Terzo

Violence at an abortion clinic by Sheila Liaugminas 

We Will Not Be Silenced After Colorado Springs by Bradley Mattes

Christianity Today “murder” edit reveals evangelical schizophrenia by Dr. Joel McDurmon

Editorial cartoon: Gary Varvel on the Colorado shootings


Church couple eager to adopt Baby left in nativity scene’s manger by Tamara El-Rahi

Adopting Faith Hill, the Girl They Always Wanted by Christy Brunke

From Russia to China … With Love – “Love of Russia could not blind me to its idiosyncracies, though. Russia never stopped feeling untamed, like a roller coaster just barely skimming its tracks. The country was touchy about everything adoption-related, yet I never imagined our program would end as it did, crushing a million tender dreams in the process.”


12 Arguments Evolutionists Should Avoid – From our friends at Answers in Genesis

Family Living

Pediatrician of 30 Years Shows How He Calms a Crying Baby

Movies – Television – Video

Obama Forgets Jesus Is True Meaning of Christmas in Charlie Brown Christmas Linus Speech by Napp Nazworth

Star Wars actress slams cinemas who refuse to show Lord’s Prayer ad by Antony Bushfield


Bill Clinton: Late-Term Abortion Should Be Illegal by Sean Davis – “I believe that if you can’t make up your mind in the first six months, you don’t have the right to have an abortion.”

Sexual Purity

Behind Australia’s safe schools campaign by Michael Cook – “Do parents really know what their children will be taught about the LGBT universe?”

Bravo Tim Tebow by Jeff Kemp

Worldview and Culture

From Charlie Brown to “Scandal”: Hollywood and Christmas by Laura Hollis

An “Other” Christian Responds To BuzzFeed’s “Questions Christians Have For Other Christians” by Hans Fiene 

America’s Most-Cited Jurist Hates Words And History by Dean Clancy – “Richard Posner on judging: ‘I am not interested in the text.’”

Do children still read Anne Frank? by Jocelyne Freundorfer

God’s Word Is the Only Consistent Standard for Morality by Ken Ham

Why “Xmas” is Just Plain Offensive by Harry Hughes