September 2, 2015


How Pro-Life Clinics Can Compete With Big Abortion by Amy Otto and Luma Simms – “Pro-life medical clinics are fragmented and can’t compete with big abortion. That can change—and it should.”

The sad truth about the Planned Parenthood videos by Dr. Joel McDurmon

Planned Parenthood Video Makers Respond To Organ Harvesters’ PR Campaign by Mollie Hemmingway – “The Center For Medical Progress asks lawmakers to home in on the abortion corporation’s recent admissions.”

Pants on Fire by Bradley Mattes

Rev. Matt Harrison encourages Lutherans to “kneel before the Crucified One” during a Day of Remembrance on September 12 – The Vigil of Repentance in Remembrance of the Victims of Abortion offered in the article is adapted from Lutherans For Life’s Memorial Service for the Victims of Abortion (available here).

“Whenever We Have a Smooth Portion of Liver, We Think That’s Good” by Jim Geraghty

Yahoo! Parenting: “If I Knew My Daughter Had Down Syndrome, I Would Have Aborted Her” by Katie Yoder

“To start with, let me say that I tend to be a little naïve …” by Pastor Michael Schmidt

Worldview and Culture

Christian, we’ve been taken over by hooey by Dr. Joel McDurmon