April 7, 2014


Crimea Adoptions to Americans Blocked by Russia by Ruth Moon – “Ukraine has replaced Russia as No. 3 source of U.S. adoptions. But Crimea crisis has Christian alliance preparing evacuation plan for 4,000 orphans. لعبة القمار ورق

Foster care a ministry while waiting by Julie Oosterhouse


Stem cell debacle déjà vu by Michael Cook

More stem cell fraud allegations: why? by Michael Cook


Elder Care is a Family Affair by Harry R. Jackson, Jr.

Paralyzed Stroke Victim Listened Helplessly as Doctors Discussed Organ Donation by Steven Ertelt

Worldview and Culture

I Hate to Say I Told You So by Michael Brown

Hercules vs. Gosnell: Kevin Sorbo endorses made-for-TV movie about house of horrors abortionist by Ben Johnson

Chuck Lorre’s Hollywood Hypocrisy On Marriage And The Pill by Mollie Hemingway

These Hollywood Celebrities Aren’t Afraid to Speak Out and Say They’re Pro-Life by Steven Ertelt

Mozilla & the Unappeasable Self by Todd Wilken