
Our Guest: Pastor Michael Salemink, Executive Director of Mission and Ministry, Lutherans For Life

Learn to understand stem cell research, in vitro fertilization (and other assistive reproductive technologies), germ-line genetic editing, mitochondrial replacement therapy (three-parent embryos), ectogenesis (artificial wombs), vaccine production, and human cloning. We’ll consider what makes an embryo a member of the human race and reflect on how these biomedical technologies offer opportunities for confessing how Christ’s divine love treasures every human being.

Rev. Michael W. Salemink began serving as executive director-elect of Lutherans For Life in August 2015 and became executive director on January 1, 2016. He received a BA in theology from Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, Illinois, in 1999, and a Master of Divinity from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana, in 2003. He has served as pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Webster, Minnesota, (2003-2005) and as associate pastor of St. James Lutheran Church and School in Lafayette, Indiana (2005-2015). Pastor Salemink and his wife, Heather, have been married since 2000 and reside in St. Louis, Missouri, where they attend Immanuel Lutheran Church, Olivette, with their three sons: Christian, Nathan, and Luke.

Recorded November 16, 2021.