August 10, 2022

LifeDate Fall 2022

by David A. Probst, Director of Development

A champion is described in the dictionary as someone who supports or defends a cause.

This means YOU are a LIFE CHAMPION!

Thank you for being a LIFE CHAMPION and partnering with us in proclaiming the message that all human life is created by God, redeemed by Jesus Christ, and called by the Holy Spirit.

Your offerings of encouragement, prayers, support, service, and stewardship gifts are providing an impact on our life affirming ministry, and we thank God for you!

Please feel free to contact me any time! I would love to spend time getting to know you better, learn about your family’s life celebrations (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.), and discuss ways Lutherans For Life can use its resources and professional staff to serve and support you and your church. You can reach me by email at or cell phone at 812.603.7970.

God bless you for all you do in His name, and may He be with you and your family in the years to come.