May 25, 2022

LifeDate Summer 2022

by Pastor Paul Clark

One of the many heroic stories that came out of World War II was that of Pastor Andre Trocme and his wife, Magda. They encouraged the residents of their little town in Le Chambon, France, to defy the Gestapo’s orders to turn in any Jews who could be found in the town or the surrounding area.

Instead, under the leadership of Pastor Trocme, the residents of those villages were responsible for saving up to 5,000 Jews from being taken to the death camps. They formed an underground network to help the Jews safely travel across the Swiss border and out of harm’s way.

Pastor Trocme told the members of his congregation, “We shall resist whenever our adversaries demand of us obedience contrary to the word of the Gospel.” When the Germans could not find any Jews in the town, they confronted Pastor Trocme, telling him to immediately cease his activities and turn in the names of the townspeople who had helped hide the Jews. Pastor Trocme answered, “I am their shepherd. A shepherd does not forsake his flock. I do not know what a Jew is. I only know human beings.”

The powers that back the death-dealing abortion culture try to find ways to make us keep silent. They try to censure us, cancel us, and ridicule us. They attack pro-life people verbally, and sadly, in some instances even physically. They paint us as far-right radical lunatics who care only about the so-called “fetus,” and not about those who are already born.

Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is that abortion hurts women, one way or another. Every time. And abortion kills a baby—a little girl, a little boy. Every time. And abortion continues to poison the culture in so many ways. Every time.

The science is conclusive: Human life starts at fertilization. The Bible is conclusive: Life is from God, it begins at fertilization, and God’s commandment of “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13) certainly applies to the slaying of an innocent child in the womb. Because that little baby in the womb IS a human being.

Whether Jew or Gentile, boy or girl, black or white, healthy or infirm, they are human, with human rights, most especially the right to life. Like Pastor Trocme asserted, we only know human beings!

As Lutherans who treasure God’s Word as holy and without error, we have so much to offer. God sent His own Son into the world to unravel the twisted fabric of death. When Jesus said, “It is finished” (John 19:30) on the cross, it was true. It IS finished. The stain and guilt of your sins, and mine, and the person struggling with the guilt of an abortion—all of this has been blotted out by the cleansing blood of Christ. EVERY SIN. EVERY TIME. Repent and believe the Gospel! Christ, who died for us, is also risen, and in Him we have new life, abundant life, and a glorious future.

Here—in Jesus and His Gospel—is healing for the hurting, peace for the troubled, reconciliation for the estranged, rescue for the fallen, and comfort for the grief-stricken. Here—in Jesus and His Gospel—is forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. Life that overcomes death. Life that overcomes our brokenness. Life that pushes forward toward the Promised Land, where in God’s presence “there is fullness of joy,” and at His right hand “are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11).

Rev. Paul Clark is president of Lutherans For Life of Michigan.