June 10, 2023

Download LifeDate Summer 2023

by Emma VanTol

Arms full, Bulldogs 4 Life members walked to the center of the Concordia University Nebraska campus carrying 1,200 crosses to be placed along the walkways. Nebraska Lutherans For Life sponsored this moving display where each cross represented two of the approximately 2,800 babies lost to abortion in the United States each day. The display spurred questions about the effects of abortion and gave a visual representation of the sheer number of lives lost.

A gasp was heard when one of the campus custodians saw the display for the first time and read the sign that accompanied it. She pulled out her phone and started filming while walking around the quad in awe.

One of the Bulldogs 4 Life members commented on the impact picking up the crosses had on her. She counted each cross as she stacked them in her arms. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Ten. Twenty. Thirty-Five. She was holding 70 babies in her arms. It made her feel sick to her stomach.

This simple display left a lasting impression on the members of the club who are active in the fight for life, as well as those of the general Concordia University Nebraska community.