2021 Lutherans For Life Regional Conferences – God Chose You – ARCHIVED RESOURCES AND VIDEO
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.” (John 15:16)
AUGUST 21, 2021 – Faith Community Lutheran Church, Summerlin (Las Vegas), Nevada
Summerlin/Las Vegas Conference Speakers:
Dr. Kim Marxhausen is a Lutheran educator with a doctorate in Educational Psychology. She has authored three books, and she writes the Parent Pages newsletter for LCMS School Ministry as well as a parenting and devotional blog. She will present “God Chose You: The Caregiver’s Journey” based on her personal experience as a caregiver for two loved ones with dementia that provided the inspiration for her book, Weary Joy.
Rev. Scott Licht is the Executive Director of Finance and Operations for Lutherans For Life. He is also the pastor at Shepherd of the Prairie Lutheran Church in Huxley, Iowa. He will speak on “God Chose You” as he shares how God chose you—and you—and you—regardless of your age, stage, ability, past, present, or future. He will especially consider victims and those who are vulnerable to human trafficking.
Patti Smith is a native of Southern California currently living in Huntington Beach. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, and retired professional employment recruiter. She is an active volunteer for LFL including being a Life Team Leader and speaker. She serves as a sidewalk counselor with 40 Days for Life and much more. In her talk, “Shaking the Family Tree,” Patti tells her life journey as a rape conceived and adopted woman of faith.
Download 2021 Las Vegas LFL Regional Conference Booklet (PDF)
OCTOBER 16, 2021 – Living Word Free Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Sioux Falls Conference Speakers:
Dr. Kim Marxhausen is a Lutheran educator with a doctorate in Educational Psychology. She has authored three books, and she writes the Parent Pages newsletter for LCMS School Ministry as well as a parenting and devotional blog. She will present “God Chose You: The Caregiver’s Journey” based on her personal experience as a caregiver for two loved ones with dementia that provided the inspiration for her book, Weary Joy.
Rev. B. Keith Haney is Assistant to the President for Missions, Human Care, and Stewardship for the Iowa West District of the LCMS. He has served multiple congregations and the Northern Illinois District. He writes a blog to encourage believers in their faith journey and non-believers to explore difficult faith issues. He will speak on the “Critical Race Theory” and how it relates to our Christian Witness.
Dr. Donna Harrison is a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist currently serving as Executive Director of the American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG). She will speak on “Over the Counter Abortion”. The end game for the abortion industry is to make every woman her own abortionist. This is close to happening. What does OTC abortion mean for us?
Download 2021 Sioux Falls LFL Regional Conference Booklet
NOVEMBER 13, 2021 – St. John’s Lutheran Church, Conover, North Carolina
Conover Conference Speakers:
Dr. Kim Marxhausen is a Lutheran educator with a doctorate in Educational Psychology. She has authored three books, and she writes the Parent Pages newsletter for LCMS School Ministry as well as a parenting and devotional blog. She will present “God Chose You: The Caregiver’s Journey” based on her personal experience as a caregiver for two loved ones with dementia that provided the inspiration for her book, Weary Joy.
Rev. Michael Salemink serves as Executive Director of Mission and Ministry for Lutherans For Life. He will present “God Chose You.” We’ll explore how God chooses every one of us into existence, chooses each human life into forgiveness, and chooses all members of our race into making a difference. And we’ll witness how nobody’s an accident or an afterthought!
Dr. Donna Harrison is a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist currently serving as Executive Director of the American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG). She will speak on “Over the Counter Abortion”. The end game for the abortion industry is to make every woman her own abortionist. This is close to happening. What does OTC abortion mean for us?
Download 2021 Conover LFL Regional Conference Booklet (PDF)