
Our guest: Carol Tobias, President, National Right to Life Committee

The Biden administration is moving quickly to undo all pro-life measures enacted in the previous four years. Legislation—good and bad—is moving at the federal and state levels. The courts are ruling. Pro-euthanasia forces continue to fight for legalized assisted suicide. What’s big? What’s in the pipeline? The Movement of Love is called to speak up for those who have no voice. We do that by making our voices heard in our nation’s capital and in our own states.

Carol Tobias is president of the National Right to Life Committee, the nation’s oldest and largest pro-life organization. A native of North Dakota, she has served on the National Right to Life board of directors since 1987. From 1983 to 1991, she was executive director of North Dakota Right to Life and in 1991 was hired as National Right to Life Political Director, a position she held until 2005. During her tenure as political director, pro-life majorities were elected to both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. In both 2000 and 2004, she oversaw the efforts of National Right to Life’s political action committee on behalf of George W. Bush. In 2014, she testified before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in opposition to the Women’s Health Protection Act, which is more appropriately called the “Abortion Until Birth Without Limits Act.” She has appeared on ABC’s World News Tonight, NBC’s Today Show, CNN, The News Hour on PBS, C-SPAN, and Fox News Channel, as well as numerous television and radio programs throughout the country. She has been quoted in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and USA Today.

Recorded April 20, 2021.