Series: LFL National Conference
Keywords: 2013 national conference, pro-life conference, workshops, convention Speakers: Matt Harrison


Over 280 Lutherans gathered November 8-9, 2013, in Urbandale (Des Moines), Iowa, from across the United States, for the 2013 Lutherans For Life National Conference. The theme: L.I.F.E. — Living In Faith Everyday.

In his Friday night keynote address, L.I.F.E. in the Church, Rev. Matt Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod challenged the conference attendees to “be who we are: “Little Christ’s—Christians” as we share and apply the Gospel. “Hurting people are being produced by the boatload—right in your family.” He commented on how “the culture has affected us enormously” with people marrying later in life and having fewer children. He asked, “How welcoming of life are we?” He encouraged all to share “the blessing of Christ” in this “drunken culture” and to keep in mind that no matter what, “the Lord is in His heavens.”