It’s Too Late! (Isn’t It?)

Do you identify with any of the following statements? “I don’t like being used.” “We were so heavy into sex that we never became friends.” “He said he loved me. So I showed him how much I loved him. The next day, he acted like he didn’t know me!” “I’m afraid. Have I picked up a sexually transmitted disease?” “I wonder if she’s pregnant?” “She’s so easy. I wonder how many other guys she’s been with before me.” “I wonder how many girls he’s had sex with before me?”

Real Love

“Love” sure gets talked about a lot. We hear “I love you” in a variety of settings. But what is “real love”? Real love is NOT “soap opera love”-passionate and intense but selfish and temporary. Real love is NOT an “until somebody ‘better’ comes along” kind of “love.” This book, the Bible, which was written for you, is about real love. Real love is God’s kind of love. God’s love is a protecting, trusting, and hopeful kind of love. God’s love is a forever love. God’s love remains even when life is difficult. God’s love remains even when we are not so lovable, even when we do not love him! Now that’s real love!

The Adoption Option

Dr. Jean Garton explores the often forgotten option of adoption. “Adoption isn’t easy . . . Yet, [compared with] the other options—aborting the child or raising the child as a single parent—adoption is the most child-centered. It is a healthy, realistic, and sensible choice for all the parties involved.”

Abortion Is …

Linda Bartlett explores how, according to Mother Teresa, “abortion is the greatest destroyer of peace” in our world today. She also encourages support for LFL.

A Back-To-School Survival Guide

Tomorrow is back-to-school day for most students, and that means getting our kids ready for classes. I’m not talking about stockpiling school supplies or hitting the clothing sale at Robinson’s/May. I mean preparing students intellectually to persuasively defend their faith on unfriendly turf.

The Proverbial Family – A Bible Study

A number of years ago, I represented Minnesota as one of the elected delegates to a White House Conference on Families. Countless hours were spent in pre-conference workshops as we tried to come up with a definition of “family.”