Kathryn Lopez: Don’t Give Up on Marriage

The election is over. If you’re one of those odd people whose lives are totally consumed in politics, you can try re-engaging in real life again. Which means that I’ve

Elections Thoughts

Having been a conservative activist since my teenage days 50 years ago, am I elated at the greatest Republican comeback in my lifetime? Not exactly. After the polls closed Tuesday evening

Adult Stem Cells Hammer the Sickle

From Washington Update (Family Research Council): September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month. And most people don’t realize that one in every 500 African-Americans has the disease. Sickle cell anemia

Undercover Video Exposes Abortion Clinic

Elisabeth Meinecke reports that, “The pro-life group Live Action released an undercover video Tuesday that they say shows an Indiana Planned Parenthood clinic giving improper counseling, offering medical misinformation and

The Nativity of John the Baptist

On the church year calendar, today is set aside to remember John the Baptist. Dr. Lamb, in his June Sponsor Letter, had some great comments related to this day:  June 24