May 9, 2016


Erasing the Truth About Planned Parenthood by Planned Parenthood

Tens of Thousands of Pro-Life People March Against Abortion in Rome by Micaiah Bilger 

Doctors save 175 babies from abortion through abortion pill reversal by Nancy Flanders


The Hippocratic Oath: quaint relic or solemn vow? by Philip Hawley, Jr. – “Many who disparage the classic oath are drawn to the beauty of its virtues.”

Assisted Suicide MDs Would Never be Convicted of Fraud by Wesley J. Smith

Fetal Development

Premature Baby Born So Small a Wedding Ring Fit Around Her Arm Survives the Odds and Turns 1 by Emily Derois

Family Living

Mothers Always Ready to Give an Answer by Avery Foley

Whose fault was no-fault divorce? by Ryan C. MacPherson – “The story behind America’s most enduring oxymoron.”

Graciously Given: Children Are a Blessing from the Lord by Robert Harting


A post-literate, post-Christian, broken culture has chosen its representative by Jonathon Van Maren 

Worldview and Culture

Pride & Prejudice Discussing Black America with Gloria Jackson, Founder of The Booker T. Washington Inspirational Network by Robert Maddex


The information below–concerning a sister in Christ and member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod–is from Rev. Jonathan Lange, Wyoming District (LCMS) Life Coordinator:

“We have a religious liberty situation in Wyoming that is huge–and precedent-setting nationwide. An LCMS judge is being removed from office for honestly answering a reporter’s question on marriage. If they can exclude certain opinions from certain offices, the pro-life movement is dead. We have a lot going on in the state, but the press is not helping us get the word out. If you could light up whatever networks you can and get them to visit our website and sign the petition, we would really appreciate it.

“The new reality is: Speak now, or you will be made to hold your peace.”