by Michelle Bauman, Director of Y4Life
The spring rains have come. The trees are budding, and the flowers are blooming: It will be graduation season soon.
As a former teacher in Lutheran schools, the month of May carries with it waves of nostalgia for me. It’s a reminder of momentous occasions—of honors nights, scholarship announcements, prom, and state runs—of moments filled with anticipation and joy, of waves that crest on triumph.
But waves have troughs, too, low points that create concern. May often rekindles memories of preparing for graduation, of wading through the excited uncertainty that is ever-present in a classroom full of high school seniors. And it brings to mind the wave of fear and anticipation that grows higher and higher weeks before graduation, a wave so powerful it threatens to wash the class overboard.
Yes, as graduation looms and their boats are readying to set sail, many youth discover they haven’t quite found their sea legs yet. They’re excited, but shaky. Ready for the adventure, but not quite willing to let go of the rope.
Change. It can be scary. And, at least on this side of heaven, it never ends.
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is often credited with the quip: “The only thing that is constant is change.” And for the most part, we can agree. Time continues. Life goes on. Change is a constant reality. And because we cannot avoid change, we are encouraged to embrace it, seek it even.
In fact, the world would have us believe that change is inherently good. Graduation is a prime example. As youth stand on the shore of their futures and tentatively look out over the unknown depths they’ll encounter, graduation cards often minimize fears. Instead, they send youth off with cheers. “Why hesitate?” they ask. “Go forth and change the world for good!”
And those well-wishes are meant to encourage. But it’s a tall order—changing the world for good.
The truth is, Heraclitus missed one other constant in life, a constant Who makes all things good, even change that’s fraught with worry. James 1:16-17 reminds us,
“Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
Every good and perfect gift is from above—that seems to be worth repeating.
It is wonderfully ironic that only a changeless God can change the world for good, isn’t it? And it’s not only ironic, it’s also freeing. Mother Teresa once said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” She was right of course. Human beings cannot single-handedly change the world, no matter how many graduation cards say otherwise. But our changeless God can. And He does.
That is the good news we have to share this May and always. Because of Christ’s work, youth are able to sail fearlessly into their future, for God has planted their feet firmly on His deck, the Ark of Christ. They don’t have to be afraid of the storms to come, for He holds them in His hand. Youth can simply focus on sharing Christ with their neighbor. And having been upheld by God Himself, they are free to uphold the lives of others.
The same is true for you and me. Called to faith and given the redemptive gifts Christ earned for us on the cross, we not only live in our baptismal waters but also, by God’s grace, make ripples of life in the world. Even more exciting? As carriers of that message in our vocations, we are able to cause ripples and waves of life in the lives of our nearest neighbors, our family and friends.
LFL has always rejoiced in the opportunity to cause ripples of life; for decades we have looked for new ways to equip Lutherans and their neighbors to uphold lives. In recent years, we’ve made a concerted effort to expand LFL’s ministry to include youth through our Y4Life program, and God has blessed that program with much enthusiasm and growth.
Recently, God has opened up another horizon. And though we’re still in the early stages and testing out our sea legs, we at LFL are excited about embarking on this new venture: We’re setting a purposeful course to reach and support young adults in their 20’s and early 30’s. This new YA For Life program will provide Gospel-motivated responses to the unique life issues young adults face as well as provide opportunities for peer engagement. YA For Life will also act as a bridge, helping to connect young adults with both our Y4Life and Volunteer Relations departments.
We hope you’re ready to join us on the voyage and help us, by the grace of God, make waves and ripples in the lives of young adults! If you know of anyone who might be interested in connecting with YA For Life or simply want more information, please reach out to me at mbauman@lutheransforlife.org or check out more at our brand-new website—yaforlife.org—today!
Thank you for being a Gospel-motivated voice For Life and for your support of our ministry. May God continue to work through YOU to create ripples of life in your family, church, community, and world!