by Linda Phillips, Helping Hands Eastern European Ministries
Beautiful Bulgaria lies to the north of Greece. It is famous for extraordinary roses, world-class wines, cozy inns scattered among the many mountains, and sunny beaches on the Black Sea. Recently, it has gained notoriety for having one of the highest rates of abortion of any country in the European Union. For 2022, the abortion rate was just under 20% (One in five pregnancies ended in abortion). What led to this dismal situation?
Many Communist leaders consider religion either foolishness or a threat to their control of the people. Ludmilla (“Lucy”) Popova was born in Bulgaria while the Communists ruled. Her mother, Bogdona, had been told that she had a weak heart and was pushed to abort her first two children. When Lucy was a teenager, her father, Slavcho, took a job in Cuba. While living there, Lucy learned Cuban Spanish.

During her early adult years, Lucy was drawn to a church by the beautiful music she heard. She became a believer. Her husband, an attorney, also came to faith when he was young. Lutcho Popov helped many churches become registered in Bulgaria during the early years after the fall of Communism. He has also worked hard to promote rule of law in other countries.
Years ago, Lucy heard some Lutheran pro-life speakers give a presentation. She started her own pro-life education and counseling organization. Her ministry includes counseling women who have had an abortion and suffer from the consequences of it. While working on her doctorate, Lucy wrote a book on abortion. She has given talks throughout Bulgaria on abortion and pornography, including one at a large high school in northwestern Bulgaria.
The economy in Bulgaria the last few decades has also led to more abortions. Most women do not want their children to go into an orphanage and think abortion is a better solution.
Lucy has given talks in Serbia, Germany, and England. She would like to go to Cuba and give pro-life talks there. Sadly, Cuba has the highest abortion rate in the world, with almost half of all pregnancies there being terminated.
Throughout her years as a pro-life worker, Lucy has found that her greatest encouragement is from the children saved from abortion after their mother heard one of her talks. Here are some of the verses Lucy uses in her pro-life work: Genesis 9:6; Psalm 139:13-16; and Jeremiah 1:5.
Although Lucy wanted a law to be passed in Bulgaria requiring all women requesting an abortion to see their baby on an ultrasound, the European Union will not allow it. Please pray for Lucy and her very important ministry.
If you would like to find out more, you can reach the author of this article, Linda Phillips, at 414.455.3255 or