October 13, 2014


We Like Abortion by Bradley Mattes

199 Babies Spared From Abortion So Far During 40 Days for Life Campaign by Shawn Carney


More Embryonic Stem Cell Hype, Less Reality and Ethics by David Prentice


Two Contrasting World Views by Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb

Karner responds to terminally ill woman’s suicide plan

Brittany Maynard: The Vultures Circle by Wesley J. Smith

15% rise in Dutch euthanasia deaths by Michael Cook

Family Living

The Upside of Down Syndrome by Bradley Mattes

What Not to Say to a Dad With Four Kids by Peter Chin – “Generalize not, lest ye be generalized”

Worldview and Culture

Vandals Use Nazi Swastikas to Cover Pro-Life Chalk Messages at Eastern Michigan University

New toilets to prevent primary school “transphobia”