LifeDate Winter 2023 – Just As … I AM
by Diane Albers, President of Lutherans For Life
The thing about Lutherans is that we know that we are “poor, miserable sinners” in need of salvation. If we were not aware of it before, our Confirmation studies and the confession during the communion service remind us often. Yes, we are “poor, miserable sinners,” but sometimes, in a way, we take that too much to heart. We feel less than adequate to do what we feel God is asking us to do.
As president of Lutherans For Life of Missouri, I asked people to fill out their AARs (Annual Activity Reports) for the national office—or even to just give a little blurb about their activities to post in the quarterly newsletter. At first, it was especially difficult. I would get responses like, “Our Life Chapter/Team is not really doing very much” or “I know we should be doing more” or “Everyone else is doing so much more than we are” or “I’m embarrassed to tell you what we are doing.” After harassing them a bit and reminding them of what God says in Ephesians 2:10, they got better about reporting what they were actually doing!
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).
I wanted Missouri people—and now you—to know that since we are created for the good works that God has already prepared for us, then we should do them! I want you to know that whatever life-affirming work you are doing has been created and prepared by God. Could you do more? Well, maybe! Examine your heart.
Think about what you are doing in your Life Chapter/LifeTeam at your church. Who else would organize the diaper shower or the baby shower for the pregnancy help center and/or local Lutheran family? Who would fill a table or two for their fund-raising banquet? Who would help people to understand the bills and amendments that affect life issues where you live? Who would lead a children’s message on Life Sunday or teach a life lesson in Sunday school or Bible class? Who would sit at a table at a street or craft fair with a set of fetal models to engage the public? Who would display at conferences for church workers? Who would take a scared, newly pregnant mom to a pregnancy help center and support her through her pregnancy?
These are just some of the things that members of LFL are doing. Staff and board members can provide the direction and resources, but you are doing the lion’s share of the work! I praise God for all the good works that He has prepared for you that you are doing! You are our hands and feet to do, our mouths to speak life-affirming words, and our ears to listen with sympathy and understanding to all those confused about God’s view of life. Thank you and keep up the good works that he has prepared for you. We appreciate your work and sacrifice!
Diane Albers, President of National Lutherans For Life, at the 2023 LFL National Conference in Erlanger, Kentucky
The artwork shown above is featured in our I Praise You … fold-out brochure.