January 2, 2023

Directions – January-February 2023

Coming through the annual celebration of Christ’s nativity, when the angels declared to all humanity peace through this newborn Savior in our flesh, we land upon a new year. So much unwritten. So much promise. So much opportunity lies before us. How will we spend the next 365 days—not yet written, but laid before us with heavenly expectation?

The Life Sunday 2023 theme is Blessed For Life. Psalm 41 (and especially verse 2) are the theme’s originating point. God blesses us with Life. He calls us blessed! Through many actions, the Psalmist describes the ways that God is active in protecting and affirming the value of the life He creates in us.

Blessed in Serving is a sub-theme that emanates from the knowledge that in Christ, we are Blessed For Life. Consider some of the options God places before you this year to serve your neighbor and be for them a Gospel-motivated voice For Life. How might the Lord of Life deliver on His promise of blessing  others through you?

Read aloud Psalm 41. Pay special attention to verses 1-3. Make a list of all the “action” words of what the Lord is doing or will be doing according to this psalm.

According to Psalm 41:1, who is “blessed”? What does it mean to “consider the poor”?

Using your list of action words, brainstorm connections to the various ways that you “consider the poor.” You could include making a list of some of these actions. (e.g., What can you do to “protect” and “keep” the life of an unborn child, the poorest and weakest of humanity that is vulnerable in the womb?)

What does it mean “to serve one another”? Consider and list some of the vocations or offices that you interpret as “serving” others.

Read Jesus’ words in Luke 2:24-30.

  • What dispute arose among the disciples? In what ways can this struggle present itself in your church, your Life Teams or Life Chapters, maybe even in your own family?
  • How is Jesus evidencing His humility among the people who call Him Lord and Savior?
  • What conclusions might a Gospel-motivated voice For Life draw from Jesus’ example?
  • According to Jesus, what good things await those servants who remain faithful to the end despite the trials or tribulations they may encounter along the way?

Read Luke 10:38-42, Jesus speaking of Martha and Mary.

  • Describe how Martha and Mary each spend their time in the presence of Jesus.
  • What does Jesus describe as the “good portion” that will not be taken away from Mary?
  • Considering your servanthood history, what warnings or blessings might you find in this discussion?
  • To maintain a healthy life of servanthood as a Gospel-motivated voice For Life, what might be most important for you to encourage or build up in your life? What actions or steps could you incorporate today toward that goal?

Read Romans 12.

  • What conclusions might you draw from St. Paul about a life of servanthood?
  • What servant gifts would you like to exercise in this new year? Brainstorm some practical steps you might incorporate toward becoming a more Gospel-motivated servant in life issues.
  • St. Paul encourages Christians to “Let love be genuine” (v. 9). As you encounter various life issues, what practical steps could help you express a Gospel-motivated love for those you serve?
  • Verses 9-16 encourage application of concrete examples of life-affirming service. Make a list of ways you might apply these examples to life issues you encounter. (e.g., Not responding with evil for evil, I will pray for those who have fire-bombed pregnancy resource centers weekly, asking the Lord to open their eyes and bring them to true repentance and allow healing for their hearts.)
  • According to verse 20, there are “enemies” that we may encounter in our life of service. How might you define your attitude regarding those you encounter in life issues? If you consider anyone caught in a life issue an “enemy,” what are practical steps you might take to change this perception? How could you best begin or continue serving your neighbors with gentleness and respect? (See 1 Peter 3:13-17.)

The following scriptures might broaden your understanding of Blessed in Service. Consider meditating upon each section and highlighting the verses you would like to explore deeper. In what ways is God using these scriptures, either calling you to repentance or challenging you to pick up the mantle of service for your neighbors with the Gospel of Christ as your message?

  • Luke 10:25-37
  • Matthew 25:31-46
  • Galatians 6:1-10
  • 1 Peter 4:7-11

Prayer: Heavenly Father, grant Your mercy and grace to Your people in their many and various callings. Give them patience and strengthen them in their Christian vocation of witness to the world and of service to their neighbor in Christ’s name, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

(LSB, pg. 311, Christian Vocation)